Streaming live content on Instagram can greatly enhance your reach and engagement with your audience. Connecting Wirecast to Yellow Duck enables Instagram streaming. You can easily broadcast live videos from your PC machine. In this blog, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of setting up Wirecast to stream to Instagram using Yellow Duck.
Connect Wirecast to Yellow Duck
Step 1: Adjust Wirecast Canvas Size
To ensure compatibility with Instagram’s vertical video format, adjust the Wirecast output settings. Navigate to Wirecast Output. Then, select “Canvas Size”. Find the “Custom settings”.

Step 2: Create a Preset for Instagram
Create a preset with a resolution of 720×1280 pixels. It is because Instagram supports only vertical videos. This preset will optimize your stream for Instagram’s preferred video orientation.

Step 3: Configure Output Settings
Go to Output settings and choose “RTMP Server” as the destination. This selection allows Wirecast to transmit your live video stream to Yellow Duck, which will further deliver it to Instagram.

Step 4: Set up RTMP Server and Key
To establish the connection between Wirecast and Yellow Duck, you need to insert the RTMP Server and RTMP Key provided by Yellow Duck.

Step 5: Create a New Encoder Preset
Click the gear icon and select “View Details” to create a new Encoder Preset. Configure the preset by setting the Width to 720, Height to 1280, and Target Audio Bitrate to 128. Save the settings as a new preset, ensuring it aligns with Instagram’s recommended specifications.

Step 6: Adjust Sources and Scaling
For optimal viewing experience, remember to rotate your sources and scale them to fit the scene canvas. This step is crucial if you expect your content to be viewed in horizontal mode on Instagram.

By following these simple steps, you can seamlessly connect Wirecast to Yellow Duck and stream live videos directly to Instagram from your PC. This integration opens up new possibilities for engaging with your Instagram audience.
Maybe feel like live streaming on a PC is too complicated? Too much software to use? Concerned about the security of third-party software on Instagram? Take a look at our flagship product, Instream! No need for third-party software, go live directly with your Instagram account. With a touchscreen interface, it’s user-friendly. It comes with a built-in SIM card and power supply, allowing you to live stream anytime, anywhere. With 2 HDMI inputs, you can experience high-quality multicam vertical screen live streaming.
Get started today to elevate your Instagram streaming experience.
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Meredith, the Marketing Manager at YoloLiv. After getting her bachelor’s degree, she explores her whole passion for YoloBox and Pro. Also, she contributed blog posts on how to enhance live streaming experiences, how to get started with live streaming, and many more.