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Customer Stories
Influencer's Review
【YoloBox Pro】 流動直播ALL in ONE|DJI Mavic 3 Cine直播!我用過最方便的流動直播神器!編碼器、切換台、錄像機、顯示器於一體!
by Hanru Zhuby Hanru Zhu近來多了很多人喜歡直播,之前也留意一部直播神器 Yolo Live(YoloBox)也是不錯的,只需一部機便能做到了。今次Yolo Live Company出了最新的,更強勁的 YoloBox Pro?今次這個Pro版本會和之前有什麼不同的呢?還有它是All in one系統究竟有什麼厲害的呢?YouTuber 奇jack 和大家開箱,介紹一下YoloBox Pro。 近排因為搬屋,還沒設置好。但是如果有這個YoloBox Pro神器,基本上不會局限在家裏,戶外也能做直播。原因今次這Pro版本和上次一樣,也能做流動式便攜直播,而且是很輕便的,只攜帶這個便可以。 你會說用手提電話也可以做直播,但是這個是All in…
9,962 total views, 36 views today
Influencer's Review
YoloBox Pro Review – Live-Streaming so einfach wie nie zuvor
by Hanru Zhuby Hanru ZhuDie YoloBox Pro ist eine smarte und ultra portable #Multikamera #Livestreaming Lösung. Kameraauswahl, Aufzeichnungen, Einblendungen und…
6,470 total views, 4 views today
Influencer's Review
YoloBox Pro : 2x plus rapide pour les LIVEstreams nomades 🇫🇷
by Hanru Zhuby Hanru ZhuBonjour à tous, notre YouTuber français TheDJSTUFF a récemment publié la vidéo sur YoloBox Pro, un…
10,654 total views, 12 views today
As the standard connection device for media streamers, TVs, game consoles and video projectors, HDMI is…
How-ToTips and Tricks
How to Choose the Best Video Encoder Hardware: 5 Key Attributes to Consider Before Buying
by Esther Zongby Esther ZongIf you’ve decided to get a hardware encoder for live streaming but are still on the…
9,266 total views, 12 views today
Customer Stories
How A Local TV Station Livestreams News With YoloBox Pro – A Case Study From KWZ TV Lozere
by Karen Huangby Karen HuangIntro For newsrooms that are new to livestreaming, creating a livestreaming video strategy can present procedural,…
Live streaming becomes a new trend and sports live streaming is no longer limited to pro…
10,586 total views, 4 views today